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Missions International of America


Public Latrine
Zion Lutheran Church in Waterville gave MIA a grant to build the first ever public latrine in Savanette. We have prayed for this for a long time and are so grateful. Doors will be added soon!


We are very excited to take this wonderful playground to Haiti. Perrysburg is replacing it and has agreed to give it to us if we take it down. Thanks to fabulous volunteers, most of it is already down and we are almost ready to take the major poles out. Our children at BRS will be so happy since they will never have seen anything like it. We are in he progress of raising the funds necessary to ship it.

The King will reply," I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40

Brad Reddick School

Ron Meier Farm Resource Center

Circle of Life
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